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Saturday, August 30, 2008
message to mother: den vita har börjat blomma. vi får byta sticklingar nästa år, för jag har inga rosa.
jag har tagit några fler bilder på vad som hänt i trädgården också, ifall ni inte hinner hit innan snön kommer (den kommer på onsdag, har jag hört): tovsipporna har nästan blommat klart. bara två små knoppar kvar. tror du de överlever här? lungörten jag fick av dej. det tog ett tag, men nu verkar de ha accepterat att ha flyttat. de står under den vita rosbusken på framsidan av huset. min nya hostarabatt. jag har flyttat några som inte verkade trivas, och så har jag köpt några nya på rea. de två blåa blommorna med spretiga blad vet jag inte vad det är, men de hade så söt färg och kostade nästan gratis. det här ser lite ynkligt ut nu men... det är meningen att det ska bli jättebuskigt och högt och lummigt så småningom. och lukta gott också. minns du var gotlandsrosen som jag fick av dej för några år sen står? de här står som i en halvcirkel bakom den, ut mot diket. jag tänkte att rosorna kommer att växa ihop så småningom till ett enda stort, fint rufs. och så ska stäppkålen sticka upp bakom och lukta gott, och så får hallonrosenellervaddenheter gärna sprida ut sej åt andra hållet hur långt den vill. några fler av växterna som jag fick av dej i somras. de står i hörnet mellan paviljongen och den gamla rabatten. jag minns inte vad de heter, men här står i alla fall kryddväxterna som jag satte förra året, och de som jag fick av dej i somras. och så några av de knallila blommorna som jag inte heller minns vad de heter och som bara blommar ett jättejättekort tag... och så några stenar. jag försöker bära hem en varje dag, så att de så småningom ska täcka hela slänten :) gräset som jag köpte för tre kronor styck. tommy skrattade och tyckte jag var korkad, för vi har ju redan gräs hemma. och det har vi ju i och för sej... fast inget som har lila "blommor". så det så :) spirea (?) som jag hittade i skogen och grävde med mej hem. tror du man kan göra så, eller kommer den att dö? och så självaste paviljongen. vi köpte för lite grus (dumma farbrorn i affären sa att det inte behövdes mer), och nu går det inte att köpa mer förrän nästa år! lite synd, jag hade gärna gjort klart det...
runt om tänkte jag sätta nåt lågt som sprider ut sej och täcker bra, så det blir som en "vallgrav" av blommor. och så har jag beställt lökar som blir jättesöta små minitulpaner som jag också tänkte sätta runt om. jordhögen mot äppelträdshållet ska bli en rabatt, men jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska ha i den än. men i alla fall pioner. och så lammöra tror jag. egentligen vet jag inte om jag riktigt gillar dem, men bara för att de heter lammöra så måste jag ju ha dem.
¶ 7:00 PM
i guess it's not very grown-up, but i really like running around in water puddles and mud. i'm constantly wet. my hair will probably start to rot soon. and i have such wonderfully cosy grey furry (fake fur, of course) slippers at home. and as we all know wonderfully grey fake-furry slippers are best if you are really really cold and wet when you put them on.
¶ 6:55 PM
They did it again... This is our road. There are no worker men (or women) here. It's impossible to drive. And it's almost impossible to walk. And they have dug up nice big rocks. I'm going to steal them tonight.
i can't wait for next summer, when the pile of mud will be covered in flowers and there will be enough gravel and the sun will be shining day and night and there will be baby birds in the birch tree and i can sit and read and enjoy the view and the smell of roses and just relax and be happy all day long :)
i think my brain might be trying to prevent itself from boiling with too much thinking. since three or four days it's been playing the chorus from "believe it or not" on repeat.
¶ 7:52 PM
i'm going home. to work from the sofa, and see what's new with the road. apparently i'm not the only bad driver around. lately we've had countless cars and trucks and tractors driving over the edge and ruining the ditch and leaving big marks everywhere, and yesterday a little minibus knocked down the neighbours' wooden thing so it fell down the steep slope. and today someone decided to dig a deep hole in the entire road. exciting!
¶ 3:12 PM
this evening i went jogging for the first time in ages. it didn't feel great. but i'm back in one piece. now i'm wet from the first shower in water warmed from deep down in the underground. and i'm going to barcelona
¶ 9:39 PM
we went to junsele djurpark today. we saw the baby lions, the baby bears, the teenage tigers, the spitting teenage camel and her nice polite mother, the wallaby who was too big to fit in his mother's pouch, but kept trying anyway, and the sweetest of them all: goat number nine.
¶ 7:09 PM
gaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! the alarm guys are here, moving the alarms about to make this a safer place. i guess it's partly good, as it has allready generated at least 2 alarm cakes (every time you set the alarm off you have to bring alarm cake to all the colleagues). it is also very very bad. i've been listening to a constant very high tone for ages now. not great at all. why can't alarms at least play nice little songs??
¶ 12:52 PM
there's a really really heavy rain outside. and the fog is so thick i almost can't see the hills on the other side of the river. the bad thing is i will probably have to restore the road after this... there have been so many trucks and containers and cars and stuff driving off the edge and ruining the ditches lately i guess the rain will destroy the road more than ever.
soon it's time for coffee break. only 6 more minutes. i think i can stand that.
¶ 1:51 PM
i just realised i have an eternity project. the garden. it will never end. i love it.
things are getting back to normal now: work. "that time of the month". always. horribly early mornings. tired evenings. falling asleep in the sofa. i have to do something about this!
nights are getting darker and longer. four days ago the air smelled like fall. the sister m and the o left today. the husband claims it's still summer. i don't agree.
the garden looks like a mud hole. or rather two mud holes. i'm responsible for one of them. i'm turning a spot of the lawn into a circle. it will take for ever. but it will be nice eventually. the other mud hole comes from the people drilling deep deep down in the underground, to keep us warm this winter.
the house looks like a construction place too. the sister m, the o and i have painted the hallway walls. and while i was at it i started painting some other stuff too. doors, a new old cupboard, candlesticks. in my next life i'm sure i'm going to be better at finishing projects. i must learn something from this life. but not yet. so now we have doors and paint buckets and paintbrushes all over the place.
the pup is not cooperating. he refuses to rest and take it easy. it drives him crazy. me too. just now he is juggling teddy bears and a jogging shoe and the husband's sock and padington, tossing them around in the living room. earlier today he learned how to take the socks off the husband's feet. maybe he could use all this extra energy to practise to become a nursing dog... i think he would like little old people. the other night he was fighting with a fly in the flowery room next to our bedroom. growling and barking and jumping around. the fly wasn't even alive. i hope there will turn out to be nothing seriously wrong with him, so he will be allowed to run again soon.
¶ 8:22 PM
the pup had to visit the doctor today. we don't know what's wrong with him yet. being me i'm convinced he's soon going to die a slow and painful death. the pup himself doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with him at all. which is good. i hope he is right. the vet looked concerend though. and that can't be a good sign? today has been a really shitty day. i hope it was just a nightmare, and tomorrow i will wake up without a head ache and with a healthy little pup sleeping at my feet.
¶ 10:05 PM
my heart just stopped. all the pictures i've been working with all week, and all the ones i'm planning to work with the next few weeks, are gone. missing. väck. sheisse!! and now i'm getting a head ache too... shit shit shit shit shit shit shiiiiit!!!
¶ 10:40 AM
first day at work wasn't as bad as i had feared it to be. it was nice seeing the colleagues again (even though most of them are still on vacation). i had moved my stuff into a new office the last day before vacation, so today was the first day in the new place. it turned out placing the screens facing the window wasn't such a bright idea. so i had to rearrange everything. and again. and again. and it turned out there was a big thing full of cables that had to be moved in order to fit my desk in the third or maybe fourth position i tried. my teeny weeny little refurnishing project soon involved the entire office, with between four and six men turning off electricity and carrying book shelves and screw driving screws and crawling around on the floor and demolishing walls. this is why it is so good to be a girl.
¶ 9:23 PM
finally! no more horrible yellowed hallway walls with big orange spots. the sister m and the o helped me turn them into a pale grey. maybe not the most beautiful colour in the world, but we agreed it would be difficult to not make it better than it was before.
and we just came home from painting a huge tree on a wall in the workshop at work.
unfortunately i get bored easily. i love starting new projects, but i hate having to finish them. so painting the hallway a second time and finishing the tree tomorrow wount be too exciting.
i'm erika, and this is my own little blog. i'm married to tommy, and we have two cats named galdor and kala bhalu, a puppy dog named sasoh and a few chicks. we also have five angels: love, arne, anton, bob and teo.