the pup and i had ha nice talk with a man named ahmed on our after work walk today. when we met he asked very politely "Excuse me, is that a dog?". i thought he was a bit weird, or maybe he wasn't too sure about english and didn't know if he was using the correct word, so i said "....yes...?". ahmed said "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was a saluki."
then he explained that the pup reminded of salukis he had met with nomads in arabic countries, so he wasn't sure whether he was a dog or a saluki. apparently the salukis he had met were much bigger (up to my shoulders! :) and had very small faces.
the fun thing was that he seemed to really make a distinction between dogs and salukis, as if they were two different species. like dogs and cats. i've read romantic stories (or that's what i've thought they were) about bedouins who considered dogs unclean, but let their salukis sleep in the tents with them. i've always thought they meant as my father does about poodles (i think i've heard him say "there are dogs, and there are poodles") - that poodles are the best kind, but still dogs. i've never thought that anyone can think that there is a "real" difference between salukis and dogs.
i like the thought, though. and i kind of understand it. salukis are something between dogs, cats, monkeys and people, if you ask me :)