vatteFACK! there should be a law against stupidity! different opinions is something i can take. discussions i find interesting. stupidly repeating a phrase over and over again and refusing to realise that that phrase isn't even an answer to the fucking QUESTION is something else. why can't they just admit they have no idea what they are talking about and stop mumbling stupid insulting phrases and LISTEN for a second, so they at least know what the discussion is all about? i wonder what they're hoping to achieve this way? it's hardly likely i will be brainwashed into agreeing with them and dropping the whole subject and suddenly become happy and pleased and loving again, is it?! i mean, how stupid can a person possibly BE?!
(this was a very clever and wise and developing way of dealing with the situation, don't you think? i have even started cursing. i've never managed to do that before, even though i have really tried hard a few times. but now it comes naturally :)