today is my birtday. and the pup's too.
i actually don't think i got any older, though. if you have to get up early, hit your toe really hard in the stairs, get a tummy ache, don't get any cake until 9 pm and only get one christmas present to open it can't possibly count as a birthday! :)
the birthday dinner (we had it yesterday, as we were both working late today): kebab with bearnaise. it's starting to become my classic birthday dinner
the first gift: a bottle of coca cola
the funnest greeting: from the sisters. they had made me a little poem :)
Peta inte i näsan efter snor,
för nu har du blivit stor.
32 närmare bestämt,
du skulle kanske fått nåt dyrt om du hade fyllt jämt.
(kanske en häst)
lina and maja