the sisters have been visiting us this week. they came on sunday evening. tommy and i went to ikea in sundsvall before they came, so we had the car full of packets containg bookshelves and other things for the living room (lots of the things we were going to buy were sold out though. irritating). every day except sunday turned into some kind of theme:
manufacturing. we made our own pizza (very good) and put together ikea furniture for the living room. it's now starting to look like a real room :)
halloween. we made a pumpkin man and rented a horror movie, that we watched screaming and jumping under a blanket.
girl-night. we wore pyjamas, tried to bleach our hair (but didn't work), put on pink warm face masks and treatment in the hair, and watched a romantic girly film with the hair wrapped up in towels and the faces shining and sticky, eating two different kinds of ice cream.
winter games. went stjärtlapping down every slope we could find.