latest news in short:
*"our" house is sold (to the fine young man from stockholm:). it's going to be great. he told me he likes restoring old houses. and he really seems to love it here. he's been here several times, just to walk around and enjoy the place. that's just what our house needs! i'm so happy for it! the present owner is a fun little weird man, but he doesn't know how to treat a house right. it's going to be nice to leave our great views and high ceilings to someone i know will appreciate it.
*the bathing season/summer has officialy begun. yesterday. we tried two different bathing places in the helgum lake. nice, both of them.
*we saw jesus today. he's been reborn as a seagul. he was standing on the water in österforse when we went biking by. i didn't bring the camera, so i can't prove it, but tommy saw him too.
i think that was about it...