i've uploaded some more photos to
flickr. now all the ones taken with the father's digital camera are there. some of the photos taken with our own cameras came back from the lab yesterday, and i'll get them out once i've felt like scanning them... which might take a while (or two :)
i'm home from work today. suffering from severe menstruation (i know i'm whining, but i always feel i'm going to die when i get it). i never do though, which is good :) i've spent the morning in bed and on the sofa, with a hot water bottle and a cat or two on my stomach and coca cola within reach.
i don't know if i'm really grown up yet... the birthday cakes tasted and looked like real birthday cakes, made by real grown up people (if i may say so myself. my friends said they did too, but there's always the chance they didn't want to hurt my feelings by telling me the truth...). since the birthday i've also:
* made coffee (for guests, it'll take a few more years before i'm grown up enough to make it for myself)
* been given some more plants, and a bottle of wine (which i think are grown up gifts?)
* baked
chocolate balls (maybe not very grown up... but at least i was baking)
* cooked (!!). i visited a colleague/friend after work yesterday, and we had dinner together. and i helped making it! and it tasted like real dinner! i'm so proud!! (maybe not very grown up to be proud of cooking... but the fact that i was cooking must be a big step towards being a grown up?)