tuesday and wednesday we had a conversation course at work. interesting and tiring. we had to act "difficult customers", in order to practise how to deal with them. i got to practise how to react to threats, cursing, insults, arrogance and tears. when the wednesday was finally over my head hurt and i felt that i could probably sleep for a week. i nearly did, too :) i fell asleep on the sofa after dinner, and slept until it was time to go to bed. but i really feel i learnt a lot. going to work today i was almost nervous, expecting to meet one of those difficult ones i had practised on. but everyone was nice :) i was even thanked three times (by different people :), because i had been to so much help.
tomorrow the tommy and i are going to visit my parents in tierp. the youngest little brother is going to fix the saab (or at least i hope he will), and i'm going to hang wallpaper in his house in return. he is going to sell the house and move north, as he's going to start a new job in a city only 100 km from here.
the clown shoes have now been thrown away. tommy said we should take a photo of the soles, as he hadn't seen anything like it... but i miss them. they were great.
my orchids seem to love me. they are flowering and flowering and growing and growing. it makes me want to do something nice for them... but what can you do for an orchid?