just a few minutes ago i had the biggest sign of recovery this far. i was vacuuming the floors (something i seem to do all the time this time of the year. the dog and the cats seem to be filled with sand....) and i bent down to reach in under the sofa! i can't even remember when i did that last... normally vacuuming under the sofa is a very painful activity, and i do it with both knees and hands on the floor(or in the worst cases; lying flat on my belly). so bending down is a big step for me :)
and now, after having filled the vacuum cleaner with a ton of sand and leaving only half a ton of sand in our home, i'm not lying on my back being unable to move. i'm able to do lots of things now that i couldn't do a few weeks ago without having to rest half an hour afterwards.
i love not being in pain all the time! i realise now how tired i've been this last year. the week before last i was able to sleep several nights without any pain at all!