i've just been to my first interview... (i thought it would be the first one ever, but yesterday i remembered that i've been to one before. at a hamburger place in gävle, when i was still in school. i didn't get the job, so i can't say that i have good experiences of interviews)
the interview was about a job at a
home for young girls that are not very happy. next week i'm going to another interview, about a job
telling people that there are no jobs. i've also been asked to work a few days at a school next week, but on my way biking home from långsele today i realised that i have the other interview on thursday... i'll have to see if there's anything to be done about that.
now i'm on my way to lay down on my massage mat for a while, because my back is killing me. the acupuncture only seemed to work once, so i'm afraid i've already used up my portion of un-pain... the physiotherapist is starting to become a bit confused. apparently my symptoms are a bit like those of "Diastasis Symphysis Pubis" (that's the first "english" translation of foglossning i found when i googled it quickly), only i haven't had any babies that i know of. she is consulting a doctor before our next meeting, to see if they can come up with something.