did get a påskägg after all! the sweet little sister sent one by mail, and it arrived today. yay! for a while i was afraid i was too old for them, but apparently not yet :)
easter in pictures:
the pup running like the wind
the pup teaching the niece to give him sweets if he sits down and looks sweet :)
when we left everything was snow. when we came home there were spring flowers!
i think this may be one of my extra-sweet mini tulips!
i've just came home from pic nic with a friend, and am now off to read a book in the sun on the balcony. studies have to wait until tonight...
one of sasoh's girlfriends had six babies yesterday! sweeet sweet baby pups :)
we're (soon) off to spend easter at the parents-in-law. i'm really looking forward to the coffee and cosy home made food :) and i'm hoping to get a lot of studying done. tomorrow we're going to celebrate the niece and nephew getting older. i hope i will be able to keep them away from the pup. he becomes more and more afraid of children every time he sees them...