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Saturday, October 28, 2006
today we went up to the top of the slalom slope with tommy's binoculars, to have a look at our house. big mistake! it turned out our house isn't on a hill as we thought, but flat on the ground :( very disappointing. i wish i hadn't gone up there. tomorrow when i wake up i'm going to have forgotten all about it.
¶ 11:38 PM
we dressed up the fantastic toyota in his winter tyres today. and shoveled snow for the first time since we moved here. tomorrow we're going to by a real snow shovel, instead of the little cute ones we used today (our neighbours complained about getting serious brain problems when they saw an ugly rake this fall, so we're worrying that they won't survive the winter if we don't buy proper things).
when i was walking to the karate yesterday it was so dark i almost didn't find my way through the woods. luckily there's so much water rushing in the little stream that i could see the wooden bridge as a thin dark line over all the white. on the way back home i couldn't find it though, so i had to walk all the way (= maybe 10 meters) to a bigger bridge, where there is also an opening in the trees so it's easier to see. next time i'll bring a flash light.
¶ 11:24 AM
recent growing-up-signs * had fruit to the afternoon coffee at work (not really my choice. a friend/colleague gave me two tangerines and said "eat these". so i did. i'm a very obedient person) * had something healthy for dinner. i think it's called quinoa... it smelled bad, but didn't really taste anything. i mixed it with avocado and tomato (and olive oil and vinegar), and that way you didn't really notice it at all.
and a growing-old-sign: * i've bought an anti-wrinkle cream. it's in a really nice red bottle, and a few kronor of the price went to some kind of cancer reasearch (= two growing-up/old-signs for the price of one). no one seemed to notice that i looked 20 years younger today, even though the instructions promised that you'd notice the difference after the first application. but it smells good, and the bottle looks nice on the shelf :)
¶ 9:51 PM
we just saw tjenare kungen on dvd. i like seeing the film while listening to the interpretation for the blind. someday i'm just going to listen, and watch the film later... that would be interesting
¶ 10:43 PM
i was at a job interview at jämtteknik the other day, and of course i'm now expecting a job offer any day. but what will i say when they call? do i really want the job? one minute i think i do, the other i'm sure i don't. i'm going through lists of pros and cons in my head constantly (that's probably why i've had a head ache since tuesday morning). good things about jämtteknik: probably more fun tasks* higher wages bad things about jämtteknik: * maybe extremely boring tasks i won't be able to walk to work anymore the first 6 months i will have to go all the way to ö-vik to work 2 or 3 days a week thing about jämtteknik that i don't know if it's good or bad: all 20 employees today are men good things about my present work: nice colleagues* i can walk to work in 15 minutes, by bike it takes less than 5 bad things about my present work: * many of the nice colleagues are leaving for other jobs not always very much fun (not extremely boring either)
the short short version: is it worth to leave a job that is "ok", with many colleagues i like and that i can walk to (which is really the best thing of them all) for a job that i think will be more fun but that will mean i'll have to buy a car (the saab is dead and the toyota is dying) and that i will have to get up at 5 (!!!) 2-3 days every week for six months?
another question: is a hot bath good or bad for head aches?
¶ 12:32 PM
i'm erika, and this is my own little blog. i'm married to tommy, and we have two cats named galdor and kala bhalu, a puppy dog named sasoh and a few chicks. we also have five angels: love, arne, anton, bob and teo.